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Tigers DVD£12.00

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TIGERS: From Oscar-winning director, Danis Tanovic (NO MAN’S LAND) and Andy Paterson (GIRL WITH A PEARL EARRING, THE RAILWAY MAN) comes a true story, 12 years in the making. A Pakistani salesman, employed by Nestle, one of the world’s largest corporations, learns that his promotion of baby formula to doctors is causing babies to die. He risks everything to make it stop, taking on the industry with the help of Cambridge-based Baby Milk Action.

For UK distribution.  PG rating 94 minutes long   Format Region 2 (suitable for playing on European and some other DVD players)

Please note that we can only sell the DVD to people with a UK bank account. For others visit the ZEE5.com website - an Asian streaming website similar to Netflix, Curzon etc  ZEE5 members can stream the film online in many countries. You can show the DVD outside your home for teaching/campaigning purposes – as long as its non-commercial. Please send us feedback along with any donations you manage to raise.

Our aim is to ensure that Tigers' message about harmful corporate practices,  whether marketing, inappropriate sponsorship, political interference, silencing whistleblowers or preventing critical media coverage, is seen by as many people as possible. So please help by using social media to promote it.


TIGERS is highly relevant for all those concerned about uncontrolled corporate power and malpractice, its impact on health and the struggle to get the truth out to the public. 

Details on how to join are HERE